Fah-king Sah-weet!
Here's the link to the trailers.
Wait for the Joker's laugh near the end. Damn that's gonna be good.
Short Bartender: All I got is piss-warm chango.
Buscemi: That's my brand. Oh, this is damn good! Say, this is the best beer I've ever had. ...
Fah-king Sah-weet!
Here's the link to the trailers.
Wait for the Joker's laugh near the end. Damn that's gonna be good.
Personally, I think I like the first picture better, although, when I first took them, they one with the replay board was my favorite.
EA Sports World Photos
EA Sports World Videos
That should take you to the website, where you can view the other photos and videos I've uploaded. This is EA's new feature for the year, and I think it's great. I just wish I could upload more photos and videos than they currently allow. Halo 3 will have this same feature, which will be great cause we have some really fun matches. They're even better if you can hear us talk about shit during the match.
Here's another one that I took, that I just think is cool as hell.
The book itself was great and alot of fun to read. It was long, but there was a lot of ground to cover. The action starts almost immediately. There's a few downspots in the book, but they don't last very long. Congrats (and Thanks!) to Rowling, who created a pretty special, intricate world and is probably swiming in money like Scrooge McDuck.
Now that I'm done, I'm relieved. It's safe to go on to the interweb again. People, who have no interest in the book, are being assholes trying to ruin this for everybody else. It's gotten pretty bad too. I was browsing some Simpson YouTube videos (trying to find the one where Burns goes..."Ketchup....Catsup....) and some ass hole spoils the book listing who dies and plot summaries. Lucky for me, I finished reading the pdf this morning, but still what a douche. Oh, and if you're planning to ride by a Barnes and Noble and scream out spoilers, you deserve to be kicked in the junk. There's a special spot in hell reserved for you. You know who I'm talking about too.
I'll be picking up the book (the real thing) on the way to work Saturday (ugh!) and reading it again, slower this time trying to pick up more details (and checking to see if the PDF that I read was the real thing). It will also give me a chance to look through the other six books for references, names, etc. Stephen F'in McGee doin his thing.
This one's pretty busy. Not sure who the hottie is, but she could work.
Maybe I should go with some 'Telocity and use Money Bennet.
Another one of Stephen F'in McGee, this time with Stack at the bottom.
Many thanks to the TexAgers I stole these from. You've been great.
A trailer to the "Pegasus Miniseries" that is coming this November, before Season 4 starts.
Yes you should care. Like Dwight says, if you don't watch Battlestar, you're an idiot.
But that would mean I don't get to sport my new shades.. and you know that's not going to happen.
Hit me you can't hurt me.....